What, you were actually expecting something? Here? From us? You're taking the mickey, mate. You must be joking. Were you seriously expecting something to be here? Do you know who we are? This must just be embarrassing for you. Do your friends know about this? Your family? I'd really hope not. Heck, I wouldn't ever want to show my face again if I were you. Nah, really, just hold on a minute. I can't get over this. You really expected.. there to be something.. here.... of all places.. Wow, it's kinda inspiring. Congratulations, you've helped the rest of us feel a lot better about ourselves. Oh no, come on, don't feel bad. Everyone has those moments. Well, admittedly, you do seem to have them more than others. Hey, maybe you should get that checked out. You know, by like, a professional. Yeah, definitely not us. In fact, how come you're even still here. Have you actually been reading through this entire thing? Do you really have nothing better to do?? Come on, that's kinda a little sad. Surely, after all this time, you would have realised the error of your ways.. no? Damn, well I guess it takes all kinds. This is slowly getting awkward. I mean, I've indirectly insulted you enough.. Shouldn't you have left already? Like everyone else in my life.. That's all I seem to be able to do now a days.. Push people away. Attachment requires vulnerability, and I guess I'm just not good at that anymore. Well, not since he left.. Hey, you're a pretty good listener. I'm sorry for being a jerk earlier. I didn't mean what I said.. You know, if you're free later on, I'd love to get to know you better.. Only if you're interested tough. And don't get the wrong idea! I'm not trying to imply anything with this.. It's just, you know, not many people actually hang around me this long to have a conversation to... It's kinda.. Nice.... Anyway, umm, you should probably get back to whatever you came here to do. Don't let me take up anymore of your time.. Unless, you want me to? No, sorry, what am I even saying. Go be on your way. Go buy something or whatever it is we do here..... But if you're ever in town again, I'll be around :)

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At Mediocre Innovations, our mission is to consistently provide products that fall short of expectations. Through a commitment to subpar quality, lackluster design, and an unwavering dedication to disappointment, we aim to redefine the low standards of consumer goods. Our goal is to deliver underwhelming experiences, ensuring that our customers never have to suffer the burden of excellence.

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